Wrongful Death
Even a single-car accident can lead to a wrongful death claim
Craig Rosenbaum | June 15, 2017 | Car Accidents, Wrongful Death
The loss of a loved one is the toughest life event a person will ever experience. When it occurs in a tragic accident, in which your loss is sudden and unexpected, the fallout can be significantly more difficult to overcome. You may be in search of answers or justification following the incident, but you may… read more
An overview of mesothelioma cases
Craig Rosenbaum | December 13, 2016 | Wrongful Death
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that damages the lining of internal organs, for instance, the lungs, stomach, and heart. Unfortunately, there is no cure for the disease, only medication that can mitigate the side-effects. Mesothelioma primarily develops in people who were exposed to asbestos on a regular basis. This post will go over how… read more
Some common questions with wrongful death suits
Craig Rosenbaum | October 31, 2016 | Wrongful Death
Wrongful death suits, like many things in the legal world, are not entirely intuitive. There are many restrictions on who can bring these suits, what damages are recoverable, what claims you can add to the suit and other issues. This post will go over some of the questions inherent to wrongful death suits and, hopefully, bring… read more
Anton Yelchin’s parents plan to file wrongful death suit
Craig Rosenbaum | August 13, 2016 | Wrongful Death
Anton Yelchin, the actor famous for playing Chekov in the ‘Star Trek’ reboot among other movies was tragically killed June 19th after his Jeep Cherokee rolled backward into him, pinning him between a brick pillar and security fence. Since that time, his family has remained mostly silent regarding his death until they announced this week… read more
Wrongful death lawsuit after fatal club shooting
Craig Rosenbaum | July 31, 2016 | Wrongful Death
It seems that fatal shootings are becoming increasingly commonplace. Every week there is a new headline discussing the latest shooting or mass murder. Unfortunately, in Florida, a rising basketball star was gunned down after exiting a club. He received treatment at the local hospital. Sadly, he passed away. His family sent letters to the club… read more
Possible recoveries for a wrongful death suit
Craig Rosenbaum | January 10, 2016 | Wrongful Death
Wrongful death, as you are probably aware, is a lawsuit that you may bring on behalf of a deceased loved one. The way these lawsuits work is that you “stand” in the place of the decedent. This means that you are your deceased family member’s representative in court. This is a sensitive area of law… read more
Compensation for wrongful death actions
Craig Rosenbaum | January 3, 2016 | Wrongful Death
The problem with wrongful death actions is that there are no injuries for which compensation can be granted, like a broken arm or concussion. And there is no direct witness that can attest to the pain and suffering they felt. When these two classic ways of establishing damages are absent, courts and juries must look to… read more
Wrongful death suits can give voice to victims
Craig Rosenbaum | December 6, 2015 | Wrongful Death
There are many situations in life that can throw us into an emotional tailspin. But losing a loved one unexpectedly may be the most difficult event we could ever have to endure. And if that loss was due to the negligence or wrongful act of another, we are right to expect answers and accountability. One… read more
Pedestrians vulnerable to fatal injuries if struck on interstates
Craig Rosenbaum | November 29, 2015 | Wrongful Death
It is never ideal for a pedestrian to be walking near a busy interstate. With all the cars and trucks whizzing by at high rates of speed, pedestrians are especially vulnerable on an interstate. Interstates are constructed to allow the rapid movement of motor vehicles; they are not meant to accommodate an abundance of pedestrian… read more
Can physician-patient privilege be waived?
Craig Rosenbaum | September 25, 2015 | Wrongful Death
Every year in New York, people die in tragic and preventable accidents. Sadly, no matter how carefully you go through life, you could still be at risk. It only takes one person’s mistake to cause chaos for everyone, and you could find yourself facing serious injuries or worse. This in turn may leave you unable… read more