Workplace Injuries

What happens after a workplace injury in new york?

A workplace injury is an occurrence most employees assume they can avoid entirely. Just as with any accident, most New Yorkers suffer injuries when they least expect them. When an accident happens on the job, workers have specific rights to compensation and benefits, depending on the situation and the type of injury. Knowing the state’s workplace injury… read more

Deaths among construction workers rise

Anyone in New York who has ever worked in a construction job or who has had a loved one employed in construction knows that there are inherent risks involved in work in this industry. Those risks, however, do not negate the responsibility of an employer to keep its employees safe. This responsibility spans many things… read more

The extremely dangerous repercussions of benzene exposure

New York workers who face exposure to dangerous chemicals in the workplace have rights. There are certain jobs that may place workers at an increased chance of contact with hazardous and dangerous materials, but there are ways that employers can and should protect the safety of their employees as much as possible. One of the… read more

Workplace dangers, injuries and the law

Most Americans are familiar with the accomplished feeling of a good day’s work. Depending on the industry, however, this work can involve a considerable amount of danger. Those who work in harsh environments or with hazardous materials face significant threats of suffering injuries while on the job. In New York, there are specific steps one can… read more

The dangers of asbestos in the workplace

Asbestos can be found in many places, much to the chagrin of New York workers. This substance can have a severe effect on a person’s health, so it’s important to understand what it can do and where it can potentially be found. Healthline lists out the symptoms of asbestosis, the disease that occurs due to asbestos… read more

Occupational diseases and work injuries

People who work in New York may well know that there is a state program designed to provide certain benefits to people who are injured on the job. These workers’ compensation benefits may also be available to people who become ill as a result of some job-related situation or activity. In addition to work-related illnesses,… read more

The most dangerous jobs in the country

The full-time work schedule is one most Americans are familiar with; whether an employee loves or despises the job, it puts food on the table. But what if that job compromises more than a good night’s sleep, or a night out on the town? Millions of the nation’s workers put their lives on the line daily so… read more

What are the most common workplace hazards?

Employees and employers in New York both do their best to ensure that their working environments are clean, healthy, and safe. However, every workplace has its hazards. Some may be hiding in plain sight. Knowing how to identify these sources of injury can help you make your work truly safe. Take One Step has divided workplace hazards into four… read more

How serious are repetitive stress injuries?

Though workplace injuries are often associated with the severe accidents commonly seen in factory jobs, New York office workers like you aren’t exempt. In fact, it’s the office worker who often suffers from repetitive stress injuries, which can be quite debilitating. Medical News Today reports that repetitive stress injuries, also known as repetitive strain injuries… read more

What is tendonitis and bursitis?

Have you noticed an ache or pain in your shoulder, elbow, wrist or other area that is unusual? If the area is marked by some swelling and even redness you may be experiencing symptoms associated with a repetitive motion injury. Many people in New York face these conditions often because of the activities they perform… read more