Truck Accidents
Hours-of-service requirements for truck drivers
Craig Rosenbaum | September 19, 2018 | Truck Accidents
Traveling on New York’s roads for long, uninterrupted periods of time can make almost anyone feel fatigued. A fatigued driver is a dangerous driver given the impact that drowsiness can have on one’s reaction times while behind the wheel. Those whose jobs require them to drive for extended lengths (such as truck drivers) are encouraged… read more
Make your vision a priority when driving at night
Craig Rosenbaum | August 13, 2018 | Car Accidents, Truck Accidents
You may be someone who drives at all hours of the day and night. Maybe you work late hours that have you traveling home after dark, or maybe you are simply a night owl who prefers late nights out to early mornings. Whatever the case, you may want to make sure that you take extra… read more
Are you an aggressive driver?
Craig Rosenbaum | June 13, 2018 | Car Accidents, Truck Accidents
People can express aggressive behaviors in many different ways. When people think of aggressive drivers, images of red-faced individuals filled with road rage may pop into their heads. However, there are many forms of aggressive driving, and you may carry out some of those actions yourself. Road rage and aggressive acts can easily lead to… read more
Fewer pedestrians died in the Big Apple in 2017
Craig Rosenbaum | May 3, 2018 | Car Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Truck Accidents
The streets of New York City often fill with pedestrians. Tourists, residents and those who commute into the city for work flood into the city every day. With the sheer number of people walking the city’s streets, it may surprise you to know that the number of pedestrians dying in traffic accidents has dropped significantly… read more
Which factors can contribute to truck rollover accidents?
Craig Rosenbaum | April 21, 2018 | Truck Accidents
Nearly any type of large truck accident you can imagine is terrifying to think about. From being t-boned or rear-ended by a commercial truck to getting hit head-on or involved in a chain reaction crash, you and other New Yorkers could face serious injuries or death when confronted by a semi on the road. Another… read more
Where does liability lie in multi-car crashes?
Craig Rosenbaum | December 27, 2017 | Truck Accidents
When New York drivers get into a two-car accident, determining who’s at fault can already be a tricky task. Add more cars to the equation and you have an even more complicated problem. Just how is fault determined when it comes to a crash that involves multiple vehicles? FindLaw states that in these instances, crash reconstruction specialists… read more
Do you have grounds to seek compensation after a truck accident?
Craig Rosenbaum | September 27, 2017 | Truck Accidents
If you suffered an injury in a truck accident in New York, you know how serious the effects of this type of collision can be. Due to the immense size and weight of semi trucks, they can cause significant damage when involved in an impact with a smaller, lighter vehicle. Even a low-speed collision can… read more
Trucker rear ends, kills car driver
Craig Rosenbaum | September 20, 2017 | Truck Accidents
Most drivers in New York have at some point been next to, behind or directly in front of a semi truck or some other very large commercial vehicle on the road. This experience can often make a person in a regular passenger car feel dwarfed and have a new realization of and appreciation for the… read more
Facts about truck accidents
Craig Rosenbaum | April 5, 2017 | Truck Accidents
New York city streets are busy places, and accidents are not uncommon. When a large truck is involved, it increases the chances for more extreme injuries and damages. At , we understand the risks of being involved in a truck accident. It can be a very difficult situation because of the complex insurance issues and… read more
Truck accident claims lives of 2 New Yorkers
Craig Rosenbaum | April 3, 2017 | Truck Accidents
When people are involved in a large truck accident, the outcome can be especially perilous. Not only does it take large truck drivers longer to slow down, but the massive size of their trucks can make a collision even more devastating. In Manhattan, and on roads across New York, it is essential for those who drive… read more