An analysis of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics has identified the 10 most dangerous occupations in the United States.

These jobs have an unusually high number of work-related deaths and injuries when compared with other occupations. While some of these professions are well-known as hazardous careers, there are also some surprises on the list.

For example, truckers and other people who drive for a living, including those in sales, have what the analysis determined was the sixth most dangerous job in the country. Among professional drivers in 2018, there were over 950 fatalities and 78,500 injuries.

In context, the fact that drivers are involved in a very dangerous occupation is understandable. After all, among the 5,250 total workplace deaths in 2018, over 2,000, or around 40%, involved motor vehicle accidents or other transportation accidents.

For the same reason, garbage and recycling collectors and farmers also made the list of dangerous professions. Even construction workers, who also work from heights and around dangerous equipment, also made the list primarily because they frequently get in to motor vehicle accidents while working. Interestingly, pilots also made the list of most dangerous occupations.

Other professions on the list might come as little surprise to New Yorkers. For instance, those who work with assembling iron and steel made the list, especially since they are prone to falling from heights. For the same reason, roofers made the list of most dangerous occupations.

The analysis determined that loggers have the most dangerous profession in the country. Of 53,600 workers, over 1,000 suffered injuries and about 75 died in 2018. The most common cause of deadly accidents involved contact with power equipment or other heavy, sharp or rapidly moving objects.

Those involved in work accidents, or their families, may have several legal options available to them.  In addition to workers’ compensation, other claims for compensation may be available depending on the circumstances.

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